
Media Releases

First Commodity Levy for Forestry
Associate Minister for Primary Industries, Jo Goodhew has today announced a new commodity levy on all harvested wood material, including logs, from New Zealand plantation forests...

19/11/2013 - Levy will help country's third biggest export industry
The Trust set up to collect funds for activities that will benefit all forest owners is delighted to have received government approval for a levy on forest products from January 1...

03/04/2013 - Forest owners vote "Yes"
The Forest Voice referendum will deliver a clear yes vote in favour of a commodity levy when final results are released in a few days.
The levy, which will be used to fund activities that benefit all forest owners, was the subject of a referendum that ran from 1-29 March.

11/03/2013 - Research the key to profitable forests
Forest owners and scientists believe forest growing can be made much more profitable. But to make it happen growers need to invest in well-targeted research.
The Forest Industry Science & Innovation Plan says there is the potential to double the production of quality wood from each hectare of forest, from trees that have increased resistance to pests and diseases...

22/02/2013 - Voting opens in forest referendum
Polls in the Forest Voice referendum will be open from 1-29 March, a week longer than originally intended.
The organisers, the Forest Growers Levy Trust, say this will make voting more convenient for the many forest growers who live in districts where on-line voting is not possible, because of difficulties with internet access...

15/02/2013 - Constitution and Governance
The Forest Owners’ Association and the Farm Forestry Association, in sponsoring the seeking of a Levy Order, were aware that the Commodity Levies Act requires the involvement of an Industry Organisation. The job of the Industry Organisation is two-fold. First, to prepare the application to the Minister for a Levy Order. This includes consulting with industry, conducting a referendum and determining the parameters for the proposed levy, e.g. commodity, rate, collection method, uses etc. Secondly, on the granting of a Levy Order, to be the body which receives and applies the levy funds for the purposes as determined...

13/02/2013 - All forests to be monitored for foreign bugs
All forest plantations will be brought into a nationwide forest health surveillance scheme if next month’s referendum of forest growers is successful.
“A yes vote in the referendum will see a small compulsory levy applied to harvested logs. Broadening the reach of the surveillance scheme will be one of the big benefits,” says Paul Nicholls, a Forest Growers Levy Trust board member...

08/02/2013 - What is being levied, Who pays and how will it be collected, and How much?
What is being levied? The levy will be imposed on all harvested wood material from plantation forests. This includes all species and all production that leaves the forest as logs, wood chip, bin wood, posts and hogged material including logs, forest waste, bin wood, posts and chip being utilised for energy, other than domestic firewood...

01/02/2013 - The Pathway to a Commodity Levy
The Forest Industry Council (FIC) considered a levy in 2002 / 2003, was reconsidered by FIC, NZFFA and FOA in 2006, and has now been revived and for the first time taken to the Referendum stage by FOA and NZFFA. Over twelve months ago meetings were held around the country seeking feedback on how the levy should be structured and managed. This has been followed with media updates and latterly provision of the ForestVoice website. Over the next month the site will be updated with the latest information, and information and media releases will be sent out. This will culminate in Ballot Packs being sent to those who register to vote. The Ballot pack contains a voting paper (electronic voting also available and encouraged) and full details on the proposed levy...

20/01/2013 - The Forest Referendum is On
Forest owners will vote in March on a plan that aims to give all commercial forest and woodlot owners a say in the future of the industry.
The Forest Voice referendum is being conducted by a new organisation, the Forest Growers Levy Trust, an incorporated society. It has the backing of the two established players in the sector, the Forest Owners Association and the Farm Forestry Association...

19/12/2012 - New forest player aims to give all growers a say
Forest owners will vote in March on a plan that aims to give all commercial forest and woodlot owners a say in the future of the industry.
The Forest Voice referendum is being conducted by a new organisation, the Forest Growers Levy Trust, an incorporated society. It has the backing of the two established players in the sector, the Forest Owners Association and the Farm Forestry Association...

17/10/2012 - Forest growers plan industry vote
Forest growers will decide the future direction and funding of their industry in a referendum being held in March next year.
“Forestry has a huge untapped potential. To achieve that potential we need a fairer and more cohesive industry where all growers are involved and playing their part,” say the Farm Forestry and Forest Owners Associations...