
Work Programme

As specified in the 2019 Levy Order the Levy is permitted to fund:

  • Work to improve the sustained profitability of forest growing relative to competing land uses
  • Research based on the Forest Growing Science and Innovation Strategy to 2035.
  • The promotion of timber through the NZ Wood brand. 
  • Communication with all forest owners about industry activities, news and trends relevant to their forest growing business
  • Policy development, codes of practice, advocacy and other activities designed to reduce the risks and costs associated with forest management; and to ensure the industry maintains its 'licence to operate'.

A large proportion of the work programme is managed by committees managed by FOA. The committees are made up of representatives of FOA and FFA members, who provide their time on an in-kind basis. A number of the committees also have relevant co-opted participants who do not have voting rights. These committees are:

This work is explained in more detail in the Annual Work Plan.



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