
What will the Levy be Used for?

More than half of the money raised by the levy will be used to fund the research priorities outlined in the NZ Forestry Science and Innovation Plan. In the first year of the levy, the budget for this was in excess of $3 million. This Plan was reviewed in 2015 and the latest version can be viewed here (.pdf 549 KB)

The proportion of 2018 (budget) $9.5 million work programme expenditure by broad category of activity is illustrated below.


The work programme section provides more detail on the activities funded by the FLGT.

To a greater or lesser extent all the web site linked below are managed/presented by organisations that have some form of levy funding whether it be direct research funding, admin support or sponsorship etc.

The NZ Forest Owners Association and NZ Farm Forestry Association are  partners in the Forest Growers Commodity Levy. The Trust contracts an annual work programme to tthe two organisations. Each year individual levy payers, as well as the FOA and FFA boards, provide feedback to the Trust to finalise the work progrmame and the ley rate to fund it.

  • NZ Forest Owners Association
    The New Zealand Forest Owners Association (FOA) represents the owners of New Zealand's commercial plantation forests. The association and its members are committed to the highest standards of sustainable silviculture, environmental practice and workforce safety.

  • NZ Farm Forestry Association
    NZFFA was formed in 1957. Membership is spread over 27 Branches throughout NZ, and there are 5 special interest groups. We estimate our members own or manage up to 100,000Ha of forest, and influence the management of a similar area. These forests consist of radiata pine, cypresses, eucalypts, Douglas fir, blackwoods, poplars, other hardwoods, sequoia and NZ indigenous species.We represent growers throughout New Zealand to further their interests. NZFFA also produces a quarterly market report on log prices. NZFFA have an online specialty timber marketplace where local timbers and services are available.

  • Wood Council of New Zealand
    Woodco is a pan-industry body which represents the common interests of the forestry and wood processing sectors.

  • NZ Wood
    NZ Wood is a major promotional and development programme to promote New Zealand forests and wood resources and is managed by the Wood Council of New Zealand in partnership with FOA and WPMA

  • The New Zealand Planted Forests Portal
    The aim of this portal is to bring together the often disparate sources of current and historical information that relates to New Zealand’s planted forests and their context within New Zealand’s total forested estate. A major goal is to provide the evidence base for people to better understand the forest sector’s performance and sustainability. It draws on a range of publicly available information sources.

  • Forest Industry Safety Council
    FISC was launched in May 2015 as a result of the report for the Independent Forestry Safety Review Panel. Its board includes representatives of forest owners, contractors, workers, unions and Worksafe New Zealand. Funding will come from the Forest Growers Levy and from government – ACC and Worksafe. Getting people at all levels of the forest industry to think differently about how to create safe outcomes when working in a dynamic environment is a key objective of FISC. For safety resources for all levels of industry visit the Safetree website.

  • New Zealand Drylands Forest Initiative
    NZDFI is a commercially-oriented research and development project. It aims to develop genetically improved planting stock and management systems for ground-durable eucalypt species suited to New Zealand's dryland regions.

  • Primary Industry Capabilities Alliance (PICA)
    The Alliance is a membership organisation that is promoting primary industry careers. The Alliance's vision is to work together to grow people for a vibrant future. FOA are a member of PICA

  • University of Canterbury - School of Forestry
    The School of Forestry at Canterbury is the only university department in New Zealand to offer professional forestry degree programmes - read how levy funding support benefits the Forest Engineering School of Forestry


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