
Forest Research Funding

The NZ Forestry Science and Innovation Plan published in January 2012 (updated 2015 and 2017 has been enthusiastically adopted throughout the industry. Its vision is to improve profitability by doubling production per hectare, while also improving wood quality and increasing the resistance of trees to pests and diseases, particularly those not yet present in New Zealand.

In the last two years, there has been a complete review of all aspects of plantation forestry research. This is in response to:

  • A demand from government that growers must pay a greater share of industry-good research
  • A recognition that a greater research effort is needed to make forestry a more productive and profitable land use
  • The need for the industry to be better prepared for exotic pests and diseases
  • Dissatisfaction among growers about the value of some existing research programmes

The Levy funds a broad range of research including:

  • Forest biosecurity: finding answers to existing and potential pest and disease threats
  • Improved productivity: through improved tree breeding, silviculture and harvesting systems (especially on steep hills)
  • Sustainability: alternative species, verification systems to maintain market access, reduced chemical use
  • Rural fire: More effective fire prevention and response

The NZ Forestry Science and Innovation Plan is an integral part of the Plantation Forestry Work Plan 2014 and involves multi-year programmes over the life of the levy.

Note: The Science & Innovation Plan was reviewed and updated as at May 2017 - view the latest version here (.pdf 1.5 MB)

(2015 version available for download - 550 KB)

For additional information on the research programme or to access research reports go to http://research.nzfoa.org.nz

See also the Research section of the archive for a selection of research case studies. These case studies highlight the returns achieved from investment in research to date. They also identify issues and opportunities that can only be addressed by making an ongoing collective investment in research.

To view the structure of industry research funding post the introduction of the levy on 1 January 2014 view the attached flow-chart

researchstructure forwebthu

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